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NICOLHy - Novel Insulation Concepts For LH2 Storage Tanks
Dr.-Ing. Robert Eberwein
BAM - 7.
EU - Europäische Kommission - Horizon Europe - Research and Innovation Actions (RIA)
Realisierte Antragsforschung
THEMENFELD Analytical Sciences, * Gefährliche Stoffe
The NICOLHy project aims to develop a novel insulation concept based on Vacuum Insulation Panels (VIP) that enables the safe, cost- and energy efficient storage of large quantities of LH2. Such large scale LH2 storage technology is necessary for establishing a hydrogen economy. However, new design concepts are needed because the currently available technologies used in small and medium storages today are not suitable for up-scaling. The main problems prohibiting the up-scaling are the long production time due to the process chain, the low failure tolerance and the spherical shape, which reduces the payload in technical applications by up to 50% compared to other shapes.
To overcome this challenge, NICOLHy will utilize for the first time the VIP thermal insulation principle for hydrogen storage. Recent results from NICOLHy project partners indicate that this insulation principle is successfully applicable to storing large quantities of LH2 combined with decreasing storage costs and increasing energy efficiency. The main advantage compared to existing principles is the reduced production time and the increasing failure tolerance. NICOLHy will use this combination to develop and validate a novel insulation concept, which is modular, open-form, time-and cost efficient while production, operation and service, multi-failure tolerant and applicable for onshore and offshore applications. The NICOLHy consortium, which brings together experts from the fields of cryothermodynamics, marine, chemistry, process and safety engineering, is ideally suited for this ambitious project.
The validation of this new insulation concept will enable the design of cost-efficient large-scale LH2 storage tanks with minimal LH2 boil-off. Thereby, NICOLHy will accelerate the integration of hydrogen into the European energy economy and industry, which is necessary to be in line with the Green Deal and to keep confidence of the population in the policy and the technology.
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